• Make sure your LIFEAID fridge is fully stocked at the end of each day to ensure ice-cold product is always ready to go.
  • Place your LIFEAID fridge in a high-traffic, easily visible area. If customers can’t see the fridge, they can’t purchase your product.
  • The LIFEAID mini fridges are perfect for countertops or to build displays around. They have a small footprint (approx. 2' x 2’) and hold 24 cans. If you do not yet have a fridge, please contact customer service for current promotions at: (888) 558-1113 ext. 1 or
  • Educate all staff, employees, coaches & customers. LIFEAID products are not energy drinks — rather, they are clean nutritional drinks for active lifestyles. Click here to view a detailed breakdown of each product's benefits & ingredients — always the good stuff, never any of the junk.
  • Offer a FREE can to any first-time customers or members. (A simple $1.89 investment = long-term ROI.)
  • If an entire can seems like too much of a commitment, use sample cups and pour 3-oz. samples.

  • Put up posters and point-of-sale materials.
  • Give coaches a discount on product (ex: $2/can). That way, they become honorary ambassadors — your members will drink FitAid because they see their coach is consuming and loving it.
  • Utilize our 4-pack hutch displays to promote product. Sell 4-packs and discounted cases to members, so they can enjoy LIFEAID products at home. (If you sell a 24-pack case for $55, you still make a nice margin and give your
    members a great deal! Bonus: They don’t have to pay for shipping.)
  • Have members prepay for FitAid using punch cards.
  • Do a “BUY 10, GET ONE FREE” promotion on punch cards or your member management software (ex: Wodify/ZenPlanner).
  • If you’re using a web tool, make sure FitAid is programmed in so members can pay at the end of the month with one simple credit card transaction.
  • If you are using punch cards, place them all in a hat and draw a winner monthly for a FREE piece of merchandise or apparel (that you received for FREE with your Rewards Points).
  • Incorporate FitAid into your nutrition consulting. Goal: getting members off of high-sugar or artificially sweetened sodas, sports and energy drinks, and onto FitAid — a clean, healthy alternative.
  • Use a FitAid branded sign-out sheet (provided upon request) for an easy point of sale if you don’t use Wodify or ZenPlanner. Simply have your members sign and date whenever they take a product. Weekly, go through the list and bill their account directly.
  • Members love to have choices, so consider selling FitAid along with other LIFEAID products to best fit their active lifestyle. This is an easy way to add more value to their selection.
  • Utilize social media outlets like Instagram and Facebook to promote & educate your members (ex: picture of a coach holding a can, a member drinking a post-WOD FitAid, etc.)
  • Schedule fun giveaways and events! Host a “FitAid Friday” where members are encouraged to wear their FitAid gear and post on Instagram and Facebook, tagging your gym and @FitAid. Choose a random member to win a FREE can or other SWAG.


  • As you know, "COLD is SOLD." Always display products in a high-traffic cooler, located eye to thigh. 
  • Since our products represent various use occasions throughout the day, the more LIFEAID products/options you carry, the better.
  • Product display order should be as follows: LifeAid, FitAid, FocusAid, ImmunityAid, PartyAid.
  • To maintain your healthy profit margins, we recommend a SRP of $2.79-$2.99 with promo: 2/$5.
  • We have suction racks, off-shelf cardboard, wood and metal displays, and dangles. Please contact your local sales rep or customer service for any POS needs at: (888) 558-1113 or  


  • The more use occasions/products your can offer to your patients, members or staff, the better! We recommend: LifeAid (anti-inflammatory & wellness), FitAid (post-workout recovery), FocusAid (clean energy replacement) and ImmunityAid (immune-boosting). 
  • We recommend selling LIFEAID products at the following pricing: $3 per can, $28 per 12-pack case, $55 per 24-pack case.  


  • If your halfway house doesn’t have room for a branded mini cooler, simply display the cans visibly & neatly in the window, and put GolferAid on the menu.
  • Run promotions on multi-can purchases. For example: If you are selling GolferAid for $3/can, run a 2/$5 special. If you are selling for $4/can, run a 2/$6 special.


What price point should I consider selling FitAid at?

Most of our Boxes sell FitAid and FitAid RX for $3 per can. We also hear about a lot of affiliates selling by the case (mostly between $55-$60). We highly recommend this approach, as many athletes want to drink FitAid/FitAid RX when they're at home or share it with their family and friends.

Q: How much product should I expect to be selling?

If you have 50 members, you should be selling no less than 10 cases a month. This equates to each member drinking a mere four cans per month. Should they drink more or if you have more members, it simply means more cash in your pocket.

Q: How can I get marketing materials from LIFEAID?

If you need other marketing materials, make sure to to log in and check out our Media Assets page. Here you will be able to download any of our logos to use for banners, shirts, your social media pages, etc. If you have an account, simply log in and go to

Q: How do I place a re-order?

To re-order at wholesale pricing, simply go to and enter your email and password. (If this is your first time logging in, make sure to sign in using this email and click "forgot password" to reset you password. This is extremely important for you to get wholesale pricing). Then, select your desired products and place your order!

Q: How can I stimulate sales? 

Here are some LIFEAID marketing tools and materials for you to use:

Q: How much should I sell FitAid and FitAid RX for?

The margins on FitAid are much larger than other supplement products out there. For re-orders on FitAid or FitAid RX, you pay only $1.89 per can ($44.96 per case). We recommend selling both FitAid and FitAid RX for $3 per can. Our average FitAid affiliate is selling eight to 12 cases per month. Some of our gyms are doing 30-plus cases per month! (That's enough revenue to take your family on vacation to Hawaii every year!)

Q: What’s the best way to explain FItAid to someone who may be unfamiliar with the product?

FitAid is a clean post-workout recovery product. It contains no artificial sweeteners, and no sodium. What it does contain is a very comprehensive recovery blend including BCAAs, Glutamine, Arginine, B-Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Glucosamine, Turmeric and CoQ10, all with a great refreshing flavor and only 45 calories .

Q: Do you have other products besides FitAid?

We do! LIFEAID Beverage Co. makes six clean, nutritional products for your active lifestyle. Each of our products contains a unique blend of supplements — from the Nootropics and Yerba Mate in FocusAid (to help you get through a long day at school or work) to the Echinacea and Zinc in ImmunityAid (to help defend against the cold and flu year-round), or the 5-HTP, Milk Thistle and Electrolytes in PartyAid (to help you recover from a fun weekend) ... We have something to AID yourlifestyle.


"Having FitAid available to our members before or after a WOD, cold out of our FitAid refrigerator, shows good member services and great profits for our business. Our members like the taste of FitAid and the Paleo friendly vitamin and energy boosters to help in recovery. We sell an average of 9 cases a month without any extra effort on our part, and provide a great healthy drink to our members. The people at (LIFEAID) have been amazing to work with and their customer service is professional, fast and accommodating. Get a FitAid refrigerator and pack it with ice-cold FitAid for your members. They will thank you, and you will see a nice profit for your business."

—Troy and Melanie Miller, CrossFit Ready (California)

"Here at CrossFit DTW, we love FitAid. We have some (members) that drink them for a pre-workout and some for a post. We love that little edge it gives you. It is one of the best sellers here, they go just as fast as the water! Also they taste great so I sometimes grab them on a rest day, too! Thanks so much for a great product!"

—Brogan Walters, CrossFit DTW (Colorado)