Top Strategies to Amp Up FITAID Sales Running a gym is all about creating an inviting atmosphere that keeps your members motivated and excited about their fitness journey. One great way to achieve this is by offering products that enhance their workout experience. FITAID is not just a drink; it's a fitness companion that replenishes and refreshes. Here are some...
HindeSight #101: Do you get the winter blues?
by Aaron HindeNovember 29 2022Dealing with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) When daylight hours start to decrease and it gets cold and dreary outside, many people may find themselves experiencing symptoms resembling depression during the winter months. In this episode of The Viva Podcast, Jor-El and Rachel discuss the signs of SAD and the steps you can take to ease symptoms and feel better during... -
HindeSight #100: How Do the People Around You & Your Environment Affect You?
by Aaron HindeNovember 15 2022How Your Environment Affects Your Mental Health The state of your surroundings can affect you mentally whether you know it or not. Things such as messes, dishes in the sink, the heat or the cold can affect your mood and can add to any stress you might be feeling. Most often these things are in your control to some degree... -
HindeSight #99: Do You Know The Benefits Of Natural Light?
by adminNovember 1 2022Light And Mental Health: How To Create Big Shifts In Mood, Weight and More With Andy Mant In this podcast hosted by Stegania Romeo and Katherine Griffiths, they speak with guest Andy Mant - a thought leader in the natural and artificial light space. They discuss the impacts of technology’s blue light on our mental, physical, and hormone health. He... -
HindeSight #98: How Do You Heal During Difficult Times?
by Aaron HindeOctober 18 2022How We Actually Heal: Integration | Being Well Podcast In this podcast hosted by Forrest Hanson, he and his dad, Dr. Rick Hanson dive into psychological patterns related to healing such as defense, fear, insecurities etc.. A key point in healing is being able to identify where you need to heal and acknowledging your behaviors and tendencies around it. Healing... -
HindeSight #97: Do you think before you speak?
by adminOctober 4 2022The Power of Your Words to Shape Outcomes Your mindset affects the way you think, which affects the way you act and what you say, which affects how you are viewed by others. Especially as a leader, or someone who has authority, it is important for you to not only watch your words, but also the thoughts you have before... -
HindeSight #96 - Do You Switch Up Your Workout?
by adminSeptember 20 2022How Endurance Sports Help You Win At Life Jennifer Strong McConachie is a lifelong outdoor adventure athlete and the author of Go Far: How Endurance Sports Help You Win At Life. As an ultrarunner, mountaineer, marathon swimmer, and multisport competitor, Jennifer showcases the spirit and mindset required to push yourself beyond your limits and achieve your dreams. These values don’t just... -
HindeSight #95: Do You Compare Yourself to Others?
by adminAugust 23 2022Why It's Harmful to Compare Yourself with Others In this episode of "The Verywell Mind" by Amy Moris we are presented with various different examples of how one might compare themselves to others around them, whether it’s through social media, a friend or a colleague. In this episode, Moris helps us identify different ways we might be comparing ourselves to... -
HindeSight #94: Essential Healthy Habits in Your Life
by adminAugust 9 2022Healthy Habits that Last a Lifetime Healthy habits are easier to form than you think! With the right mindset and some willpower, anything is possible. In this episode of Feel Better, Live More hosted by Dr Rangan Chatterjee, guest Professor BJ Fogg provides useful information as to how achieving the implementation of healthy habits can affect the way we see... -
HindeSight #93: Is Virtual Reality the Future of Fitness?
by adminJuly 26 2022Barbell Shrugged with Aaron Hinde In this episode of Barbell Shrugged, I sit down to discuss my career path and how it brought me to the creation of LIFEAID. We cover themes such as adversity, entrepreneurship, and fitness. Have any topics you want to talk about more after listening? Let me know over on Instagram! Listen now... Wearable Technology After an...