
The Link Between Your Surroundings and Your Emotional Well-Being
The condition of your environment can affect you in ways you probably didn’t even realize. For example, if you’re a student or work from home and your room is messy, you’re more likely to get distracted and get off track. Studies have shown that clutter leads to more snacking, bad decision making and can even detract people from connecting with you.
Other than clutter and messiness, there are many other environmental situations that can affect you mentally and emotionally that are covered in this article.

“Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior.”
- James Clear

Is It Time To Switch Up Your Space?
From aesthetics to people, how you surround yourself shapes who you are and how you function. In this article by Sara Lindberg, M.Ed she covers every aspect of your surroundings and how they shape you as a person. Notable factors include: Aesthetics, culture & values, people, sensory and familiarity. Read more to find out how these factors can affect you.

What Anyone Can Do: How Surrounding Yourself with the Right People Will Drive Change, Opportunity, and Personal Growth by Leo Bottary
People shape who we are. It’s a fact of life. Whomever those people are can either benefit us or crush us. Even you as an individual require a team effort to grow and thrive, that’s why having a healthy community to turn to is essential to grow as an individual.
Think about the people in your life. Your parents, siblings, bosses, partners, teachers, instructors, etc. and think about how they affect you. Every category affects you in some way and it is important to acknowledge that. In What Anyone Can Do, Leo Bottary elaborates on this topic and shares many key points in regards to the people in your life.
